We are now at over 20,000 panelists (employees and supervisors) who are active in the Panel while the initial target was to reach 10,000 panelists by 2022.
The year 2022 will be active as we will most likely reach 30,000 panelists.
Here are some interesting statistics:
- More than 70 private and public organizations have joined the Panel so far;
- From that number, more than 20 departments and agencies linked to the Government of Quebec are part of the Panel;
- Organizations of all sizes are active, from 50 employees to over 6,000 employees;
- 4,000 dashboards were delivered to the work teams;
- 100 analytic reports were produced for our partners;
- 4 complete projects that include three or four waves of research were completed and delivered to researchers in order to design research articles that will be published in the most prestigious scientific journals in the world;
- 7 projects will be completed in 2022;
- At least nine new research projects are in the process of being started.
The researchers working on the Panel’s research projects are among the most renowned in the world, in their area of expertise (human capital, management and marketing).
For example, Mr. Christian Vandenberghe is one of the 15 faculty members of HEC Montréal among the most influential researchers in the world in his field.
We would like to thank all our partners and our panelists for placing their trust in us and for participating in the success of the Panel.